Kick the military off our campus !!!!
Thurs. Mar. 31
Michigan State Room (349) IMU
Across the nation, college and university students are shutting down
military recruiting at their schools.
Join us for a discussion about the new student anti-war movement
that's sweeping the country and how you can get involved.
Sponsored by the University of Iowa Anti-War Committee
I am very liberal. I opposed the war in Iraq. I think it's been handled poorly and has now put the country in a perilous and costly position.
I cannot for the life of me figure out why this is a worthy cause. I understand that a stable country needs a stable military and a stable military requires people. Recruitment is a way to get people without a draft. This way those who are willing to fight do and those who don't want to, will only have to in times of crisis. Recruitment is not a bad thing. So this is an anti-war movement? Wars are not the fault of the military. They are the fault of politicians. Should we be sponsoring a "don't participate in politics" rally? Does that make any sense? I wish that the effort that goes into these rediculous movements would be transfered to something more useful.