Monday, August 07, 2006

Fuck Israel. Fuck Hezbollah too, but fuck Israel a little more.

I don't understand why the west is so overwhelmingly in support of Israel when the root of the current and past conflicts with Lebenon, ongoing conflicts with Palestine and arguably the entire unstable middle easte situation lies in Israels history of militeristic and anti-arab policy. It pretty much began when Israel forced non-jews who had been living there when Britain had colonized, irrigated, and made it livable out of Israel and into infertile desert and wastelands where the refugees struggled to survive. It escalated when Israel over to an act of resistance by expanding borders and forcing refugees who had already been forced by Israel to move once to do so again. It happens over and over again. 1-10 Israeli's die from a terrorist act and Israel responds be killing ten times as many Arabs. The argument is that supposedly the disproporionate response will teach people to leave Israel alone. Of course it hasn't had any effect besides encouraging civilians who have suffered from Israeli oppression to side with the anti-Israeli terrorist groups. The real justification is that the lives 10 Jews are somehow as valuable as 200 Muslims. The justification is that Israel is led by people who some unproven and illogical believe that it is their god given right to control and dominate the region.

What I really hate is how some people percieve any disagreement with Israel as somehow anti-semetic. Or that being against Israeli defense policy means I somehow side with the scumbags launching rockets randomly into populated areas for the same (yet reversed) bigoted reasons that Isreal has. It is true that I am not a fan of religion and I am definatly "anti-religious influenced-political policy." What I am not a fan of truly though is senseless slaughter with no goal other then revenge or some abstract, never fully communicated lesson that has to be taught through mass murder.
