[19:47] FakeScreenName: im not tryin to hack but my friend thinks ur from the suite life of zack and cody.am i correct?
[19:47] *** Auto-response sent to FakeScreenName: I am currently away from the computer.
[20:29] FakeScreenName: are u from the suite life of zack and cody?
[20:29] *** Auto-response sent to FakeScreenName:...
What confused me first was just poor sentence structure. It's typical internet kiddie stuff, like no caps and "ur". Then I was trying to figure out who Zack and Cody were and if I was ever friends with them. Was I part of their sweet (I mistook suite as a weird misspelling of sweet) life? A friend had to inform me that "Suite life of Zack and Cody" (see the capitalization there buddy? and those quotes help me to differentiate a title from the rest of the sentence) was in fact a Disney channel TV show.
Now I want to know a few things. First of all, why does said kid suspect me of being part of this show? Second of all, does this kid really think that he/she is hacking by asking random people personal questions?
Now, perhaps the actor or actress he/she thinks I am, is in fact a very large fan of Stalin, and this being a rare occurrence, could likely suspect that someone with the SN StalinFan101 was the sought after actor and not someone who takes too much enjoyment out of the unlikely idea that anyone would be his fan. Doesn't seem too likely, but you never know.
I'm posting a link to this post in my away message so that the next time he/she contacts me I can perhaps get an answer to some of these questions.
If you are the person asking my, and you haven't understood, I am not who you think I am. Although I would also be curious if you could tell me the name of the actor or actress you have mistaken me for. As an added bonus I have decided to correct your atrocious grammar in the hopes that you will one day successfully master the English language. I'm not looking for perfection (I certainly don't have it) but an attempt at presentation would be nice.
[19:47] FakeScreenName: im not tryin to hack but my friend thinks ur from the suite life of zack and cody.am i correct?
Should read...
[19:47] FakeScreenName: I'm not tryin to hack but my friend thinks you're from the "Suite Life of Zack and Cody." Am I correct?