I'm pretty hyped up about Jarhead. Plus this trailer got me hooked on Kanye West's "Jesus Walks."
I think that Lord of War looks awesome. It seems like a fun and intentionally rediculous action. And cliche as it may be, I always love me a good anti-hero.
Surprisingly, Oliver Twist looks pretty good too. I am not a fan of the story, or anything Dicken's for that matter, but I am curious.
And as a huge fan of City of God I'm also pretty excited about The Constant Gardener.
King Kong looks like it might be a winner as well. I'll definatly fork over some cash to see it.
I'm not quite sure how it will be, but I am curious about Everything is Illuminated.
The new Serenity trailer has me even more excited then the first one.
School starts next week. I am not looking forward to it.