Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Quick little addition of sorts to my last post. I was just reading an interview with Aronofsky about "The Fountain." He mentioned that he had met and talked with David Bowie to see if he would possibly work with Clint Mansell on the soundtrack of the new film. Apparently the main charecter's name is Tom, after Space Oddity's hero. What was particularly intersting was this...

The funny thing is that when I went to meet Bowie, one of the first things he said was, “Oh, are you doing Watchmen?" It turned out that he was developing an opera out of Watchmen. I was like, “If I do this film and I fuck it up, I'm going to piss David Bowie off.”

A Bowie written opera based on the Watchmen? I can't tell if that is incredibly awesome or incredibly crazy. I wonder if it is still being worked on.
