Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Quick little addition of sorts to my last post. I was just reading an interview with Aronofsky about "The Fountain." He mentioned that he had met and talked with David Bowie to see if he would possibly work with Clint Mansell on the soundtrack of the new film. Apparently the main charecter's name is Tom, after Space Oddity's hero. What was particularly intersting was this...

The funny thing is that when I went to meet Bowie, one of the first things he said was, “Oh, are you doing Watchmen?" It turned out that he was developing an opera out of Watchmen. I was like, “If I do this film and I fuck it up, I'm going to piss David Bowie off.”

A Bowie written opera based on the Watchmen? I can't tell if that is incredibly awesome or incredibly crazy. I wonder if it is still being worked on.


More Alan Moore to be ruined by Hollywood

V for Vendetta is apparently being made into a movie. The terrible news is that the directors are the Wachowski's.

There are somethings with that story that I have trouble believing would be acceptable by most major movie studios. What do you want to bet they decide to change the "hero's" pro-anarchy message into something less controversial?

I also worry that they would turn V into a good guy. In the story he was not a good guy. The reader was meant, instead, to see him as one of two opposing evils.

We'll see, I'm currently just making paranoid assumptions and imagining the piece of shit it will be. I'm sure I'll have plenty of real information to discredit it in the future.

As I may have mentioned earlier, they are also going to ruin Watchmen. I had some hope for this film originally, as I had read that Terry Gilliam was going to attempt it. He eventually bailed though, saying that it would be impossible to make it into a decent movie. The story was simply too long, and it couldn't afford to cut as much as film length would require. He said he might consider it in a 12 part miniseries.

Sometime later Darren Aronofsky picked up the idea, which certainly had me curious, because it is so different then his past projects. Hebailed because of scheduling conflicts with The Fountain. So now the director is Paul Greengrass. Looking at his past projects, I can't get a feeling for how he has done. The only movie that I have seen on that list was Bourne Supremecy. I enjoyed it, and there were certain aspects of how it was shot that I really liked, but one movie really doesn't give me a feel for his overall style.


Monday, April 04, 2005

Manufacturing a Meme
Alright, this is incredibly cool. A while back a lot of press reported on a new practice called "toothing" in which people would participate in random sexual encounters by contacting people through blue tooth devices. Apparently it was a hoax. The original "Toothing" forum was created, and all posts were written by a few people. They then submitted it to a few major blogs and it took off.

In March of last year two of us were idly messaging about the Stan Collymore dogging scandal, and how this stupid sexual buzzword had (apparently) come from nowhere. We wondered if we could create our own. We wonder a lot of things, and rarely push them past concept, because we’re as collectively creative as we are frustratingly idle. This particularly concept was simple enough to outstrip the temptations of grinning, saying, “Yeahhhhh”, and wandering off to see what was on TV. Merging dogging with Bluejacking, a tech buzzword that had done the rounds a few months earlier, we came up with the idea of Toothing, defined as using bluetooth-equipped mobile phones to find sexual partners in public places.

Despite all the made-up ramblings on websites across the globe, despite the forums and the fan-fiction, the tabloids and the broadsheets, the perverts and the simply curious, no-one has ever ever, ever toothed.

Taken from BoingBoing


This is awesome

Wow, I was just checking Red VS Blue for updates and saw a blog post about a paintball event they are participating in. I wish I was nearby to at least witness this, if not participate. I imagine that ensuring that the players follow the generals orders is difficult, but if everyone plays along it would make for a cool game. Plus vehicles! They have a modified tank to fire paint. That is so incredibly cool.
