Another Philip K. Dick adaptation on the way. It's
aA Scanner Darkly. I think I may have read it when I went through my PKD phase in highschool, but honestly, I can't remember. His novels all start to run together in my head when I think about them. He really didn't have that many original ideas. I think thats why he appeals to hollywood. He presents twist endings that don't really require that much intelligence and in fact become surprisingly predictable once you read enough of him. The digital cartoony effect in the trailer looks pretty neat but I still probably won't see it. Keanu Reeves is in it.
I have a message to Hollywood directors, Stop putting Keanu Reeves in movies! He is an amazingly terrible actor. Putting him in a film doesn't guarentee sales. He is not the reason the Matrix made cash. Special effects are the reason the Matrix was successful and they are the only reason anyone will go to see this film.