Today is the first time that I am really ashamed to be an American. I can forgive the citizens of the US for voting for a tyrant once, but twice? I know, the election hasn't been decided yet. Kerry could take Ohio... fat chance... Even if he does win, the fact that it was so close, tells me that there is something seriously wrong with the values and intelligence of the people who live here.
What is wrong? I think it's a lot of things. I think it's the widespread belief in our own moral superiority. I think it's the belief that the US is somehow invincible and eternal. But most of all, I think it's religion. Fundamentalist Christianity is ruining this country. Many fundamentalist and sometime Catholic churches openly support Bush as the christian choice. People attending church accept this as a viable reason to vote for him. Why not? They've been dictated to about philosophy, distorted history and mythological beings for all their lives, politics isn't that big of a jump. Unfortunatly the liberal half of the equation has nothing to compete with that. Liberal christians generally attend churches that don't force opinion's on their followers. The dmoecratic party attempted to compete with this power house by convincing apathetic to vote, thinking, illogically, that they would see the "correctness" of Kerry or the "wrongness" of Bush. Stupid morons...
Many of Bush's supporters vote for him simply for his stance on one thing. Sometimes it's abortion, sometimes his anti-gay marriage stance(another nightmare outcome of this election).
So I am now part of a population of morons who vote with their faith rather then their brains. I am honestly considering moving out of the country after graduation, but I feel that, because of the power of this nation of arrogant fools, I should stay. It feels like it would be selfish of me to leave this country and not participate in elections that could negatively affect the entire world.