Saturday, June 24, 2006
As if Futurama fans haven't been through enough with Billy West's announcing this and later retracting it a few months ago -- it has been confirmed that Futurama really will be returning with new episodes on Comedy Central. All of the original voice actors signed new deals recently, and here's to hoping the writers join in on the fun.


Friday, June 02, 2006

Drunken addition to previous post as well as a slight "Things that piss Brandon off."

My idea of a hippy doesn't just rely on politics, sexual habits, or drug usage. My usage of hippy is based rather on the inspiration for their left leaning politics.

I am very liberal. Well sometimes. I tend to be socially Libertarian and economically Socialist. Granted I know dick about economics, so I tend to not argue that point too much. Economies are fucking confusing as hell. Anyways... A hippy isn't just a pot smoking liberal. A hippy is an illogical liberal who bases his or her ideas on what figureheads tell them to believe rather then on what logic should lead them to believe. A hippy will say or believe such nonsensicle asshole things as...
"Don't be religious. Be Spiritual." That doesn't even make enough sense to argue against!

or "Genetically engineered food is bad because it isn't natural." Only an asshole with the money to buy all the "Natural" food they want can make such an argument. Tell this to to people around the globe who are only able to eat because genetic engineering has increased production enough to feed them.

Or "Because of Global Warming, the earth will be unlivable in a century." Even though no evidence supports such a statement. In reality this mindset is nothing more then fear mongering. It is no better then the neo conservative assholes who manufacture security threats in order to scare the country into obediance.

My anti-hippy statements are not anti-liberal statements. They are rather statements against assholes who mindlessly follow whatever authority (religious, political, hereditary) figures tell them to follow without an ounce of statistical evidence to back up their beliefs. Hippies are merely the left leaning sort of these assholes.

On a totally differnt topic.

It took me a month and a half, but I've fallen in love with yet another Fiery Furnaces album. Bitter Tea is far less chaotic then Blueberry Boat (which is still my favorite) was and far easier to follow then Rehearsing my Choir (and which I still love despite close minded critics). Listen to it.

Also, if you like Hip Hop. Listen to Edan. The guy is a fucking genius. He's dubbed his genre as "Psychadelic Hip Hop." His vocals are more approachable then other experimantaly Hip Hop styles, while his beats are so completely different from most other Hip Hop out there. The background music feels like it would be more at home with a freestyle lyrics of Quasimoto then the structured Hip Hop of most artists, but Edan makes the structured vocals work with the chaotic beats.


Obligatory Intoxicated Blog Posting (I will probably regret this)

Fuck I hate work. I don't make enough. I get all the shit jobs. But anything that makes more I honestly don't think I can handle. Lots of shit to do in a long period of time is so much easier to handle and so much less pressure then less shit to do, but more to do in a short time jobs like cooking and serving. I trained to cook for a couple weeks. I can't handle it. When it gets busy I freak out. I can't remember the list of things I'm supposed to do when they're shouting them at me, and once I fuck up I get flustered, which leads to more fuck ups.

I want to change jobs, but my supervisors and coworkers want me to stay and insist I'm good for the business. Which makes me thing that maybe I should try out for cooking or supervising again. I don't feel right asking for a raise as I just got one and I know I'm a pain in the ass for the lady who schedules hours, as I keep asking for more. I feel guilty for being so demanding and unaccomidating, but I can barely live with what I make now, and I'm constantly pissed off/unhappy at work. But I like who I work with and I know I have job security there as they at least like my work, If not me.

I don't know what to do.

My best alternative was working at the Coop. But I don't think I would like my coworkers as much, as most of the people who work there are mindless morons who believe whatever their political idols tell them to believe (ie hippies). I applies anyway (pay was better as were benefits) but was never called back. Called them. Never received a callback.

Part of me is afraid that this was the coop, and I and my shitty hearing misheard and they said and me being rude to them fucked up my chances of getting the job, as I rarely get unlisted number calls and that was shortly afterwards.

I also applied at Record Collector when they put up an "undergound hip hop fan needed" sign, but it was with the knowledge that so would every other hipster asshole in Iowa City and the knowledge that I knew no one who worked there so my chances were dick.

I need to find a better paying job with better hope for advancement. I don't want to go back to school, and I don't need anything highpaying. But as it is, I don't make enough to save money.

My problems would be fixed if the assholes at the Plasma place would let me sell plasma without a spleen. I wish they had a form that said "I agree to not hold you liable if you I get an infection from this incredibly sanitary establishment." Hell, if I could sell plasma I could afford health insurance, and afford to pay the bills for any problems that they caused me. I'd still have more money then I do now, even If I did get sick from them.
