Sunday, February 26, 2006

60's Psychedelia

I've been listening to a compilation someone suggested to me called "Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the First Psychedelic Era" that is outstanding. I'm only vaguely acquinted with psychadelia. I used to listen to it a little on NPR on certain weeknights but they no longer do that, and I no longer listen to the radio anyway. This compilation is outstanding. Every song is great and it has prompted me to look into other work by some of these artists.


Thursday, February 23, 2006

System of The World: Photographed

There is an outstanding set of photos online of the Tower of London and how specifically it related to a lengthy and important battle scene in Neal Stephenson's "The System of the World:" the last book in his "Boroque Cycle." If you haven't read the series, you should, it is definatly one of my favorites and probably Stephenson's best (which is saying something, as the man is an outstanding author).,-0.0761&spn=0.002063,0.005348&t=h
